Green Cottage Kits brings affordable cabin and home solutions to you!
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Traditional, energy efficient, low cost housing solutions
Green homes, solar power, energy efficient kits

Prefab cottage house kit

Prefab Passive Solar, Energy Efficient Cottage Kits:
Cottage Plans Taken A Step Further With SIPs!

Passive Design Homes / Prefab Home Kits brought to you by Green Cottage Kits.

Midway Prefab Cottage Kit:

Click here to see the floorplan as a pdf.
Midway is a passive solar two bedroom, open floorplan cottage home.

affordable green cottage
affordable green cottage
SIP cottage
SIP cottage
Midway Farm Cottage Kit

Like the kits on Green Modern Kits, our Green Cottage Kits are made with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) which are stronger than traditional stick built- you can learn more here:

Passive design prefab cottage

Upon each order, panels take about three weeks to fabricate, then ship.

Regarding R values, the R value for the 8 3/8” roof panels has an R-value of 29.3 when tested at 75 degrees F and a 31.6 when tested at 40 degrees F.  The 6 5/8” wall panels have an R-value of 22.6 when tested at 75 degrees F and a 24.3 when tested at 40 degrees F. *If you need higher R values, we have thicker panels.

We offer panels in varying thicknesses.
*shipping and taxes not included

Please contact us for details or to purchase a house kit.

To see the floorplan with the optional traditional garage, click here.